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 Jim W. Turnage, MD, PsyD

Empower You to Heal

Holistic Family Doctor

Dr Jim

About Dr. Jim

My Healing Philosophy: MBSR

Patient praise & Endorsements

What patients are saying about Dr Jim

I am honored to be your physician, your doctor.  The appreciations and kind words from so many of you have warmed my heart and reinforced the dedication I feel for my calling and my craft.

I am grateful every day to be allowed to serve each and every one of you.  Thank you.

Empower you to heal A Poem by Mario P. When times are hard

“Every day. In every way. I am getting better and better....” Emile Coue, 1922

Patient endorsements

“You who have known what it is the human pain....”

Quisque pellentesque metus ac quam. Donec magna nulla, aliquet vitae, congue ac, faucibus ut, erat. Donec sit amet neque.

In eget sapien vitae massa rhoncus lacinia. Nullam at leo nec metus aliquam sempe

         John J.

Nulla quis nibh. Proin ac pede vel ligula facilisis gravida. Phasellus purus. Etiam sapien. Duis diam urna, iaculis ut, vehicula ac.

ius. In ultrices ornare lorem. Quisque bibendum, massa sed venenatis malesuada, diam ipsum blandit urna, vel ultricies pede

        Mary M.

Morbi pellentesque, mauris interdum porta tincidunt, neque orci molestie mauris, vitae iaculis dolor felis at nunc.

Pellentesque tincidunt, dolor eu dignissim mollis, justo sapien iaculis pede, vel tincidunt lacus nisl sit amet metus.

Aliquam dapibus ipsum vitae sem. Ut eget mauris ac nunc luctus ornare. Phasellus enim augue, rutrum tempus, blandit in, vehicula eu, neque. Sed consequat nunc. Proin metus. Duis at mi non tellus malesuada tincidunt. Cras in neque.

Dr. Jim W. Turnage is my (PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN); very experienced in his field. He accepted me as a patient in '2002' when I relocated to San Diego, Ca., from Little Rock, Arkansas, and has served me for 13 years.

Dr. Turnage is very dependable, honest, friendly, punctual. As a 'Senior Citizen' at age (93) this March 20th, he has kept me in a mind-set for liviing, high in spirit, and self esteem.

I recommend Dr. Turnage very highly to me and others who may need his many professional skills.

   Annie Armstrong Hightower

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